A dispenseree guide to your perfect magic mushroom trip

Exploring psychedelic ‘shrooms: solo or with friends?

You’ve pondered the question… and in this comprehensive guide, we’re here to provide you with answers!

However, as straightforward as you might hope for, the response to such inquiries is often, “It depends.”

Undoubtedly, the usage of psychedelic ‘shrooms boasts a history that spans millennia — and it’s remarkably diverse.

Ancient civilizations turned to psychedelics as a means to draw closer to the divine and communicate with the spiritual realm.

Contemporary research has introduced another dimension, demonstrating that psilocybin mushrooms can aid individuals in overcoming challenges such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

In essence, there’s much to contemplate. Nevertheless, fear not — this guide is crafted with simplicity in mind! How, you ask?

Heading: Exploring the world of ‘Shroom trips’.

In a Nutshell:

Prepping for Your Trip.

  • Research thoroughly.
  • Source mushrooms from a reliable supplier.
  • Consider a mushroom retreat or seek guidance from a clinic for added safety.
  • Stay curious and make informed decisions.

Setting the Stage for a Positive Trip.

  • Opt for light, nutritious meals.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Curate a comfortable environment.

The journey: Your first shroom trip.

Liftoff phase (20-40 minutes).

Journaling and exploring creativity can guide you through this intense phase.

The peak (psychonaut phase).

Surrender to the experience and go with the flow!

Activities while high on mushrooms.

  • Enjoy a captivating movie or podcast.
  • Engage in freeform writing.
  • Embrace nature for a mood boost.
  • Dance to uplift your spirits.

Duration of the trip.

  • Peak highness typically lasts 1-2 hours.
  • Around 30 minutes in, it begins, concluding roughly 2 hours post-ingestion.
  • Within 5 hours, over 95 percent of the psilocin content diminishes.

Navigating challenges.

Managing nausea.

  • Mild nausea is normal.
  • Natural remedies like ginger root or tea can help.

Coping with dark moments.

  • Stay calm, breathe, and seek support from trusted friends.
  • Utilize a Trip Stopper if needed.

Coming down.

Signs of transition.

  • The sense of interconnectedness wanes.
  • If hungry, indulge in a meal.
  • A cup of coffee can be rejuvenating.

Afterglow and long-term benefits.

  • Experience a sense of well-being and awe.
  • Potential long-term benefits include ego dissolution, enhanced confidence, calmness, and a deeper understanding of personal struggles, possibly leading to relief from addictions.

Exploring microdosing.

Why microdose? 

Clarity, anxiety reduction, and a myriad of other potential benefits make microdosing a popular choice.

Exploring the benefits of ‘shroom trips’.

Transformative potential.

  • A psilocybin trip can be as impactful as years of therapy.
  • Notable individuals like Paul Stamets and Terrence McKenna experienced profound changes after just one trip.

Igniting creativity.

  • Francis Crick’s breakthrough with the DNA structure occurred while under the influence of LSD.
  • ‘Shrooms, rich in psilocybin and psilocin, can stimulate creative insights, guiding you towards meaningful productivity.

Expanding perception.

  • Gain a broader perspective on life’s challenges through psychedelic ‘shrooms.
  • Recognize that our reality is just one facet of a larger existence, reducing the weight of anxieties.

“It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is.” – Aldous Huxley

Overcoming addictions and self-defeating habits.

  • ‘Shrooms may aid in subduing the ego, a potential adversary according to spiritual beliefs.
  • Research from Johns Hopkins University highlights promising results in treating addiction.

Personal considerations for ‘shroom usage’.

Individual Dosage Guidelines:

  • Microdose: 0 – 0.25 grams
  • Low: 0.25 – 1 gram
  • Medium: 1 – 2 grams
  • Strong: 2.5 – 5 grams (experienced users only)
  • Heavy/Heroic: 5 grams and upwards (experienced users only)

Important precautions.

Pregnancy: Do not use if pregnant.

Drug Interaction: Avoid mixing with other substances, especially alcohol.

Dose selection.

Strong or medium doses are not advised in certain situations.

Seeking a quick fix

Desperation or last resort

Diagnoses of Psychosis, Bipolar I or II, or Cluster B.

Remember to select a safe, comfortable environment, and consider having a sober trip sitter for guidance.

Your unique physiology, emotional state, and surroundings all influence your experience. Always approach ‘shroom usage with care and mindfulness.

Heading: Essential resources for your mushroom journey.

Conduct your own research.

They say knowledge is power, and in this case, it truly is! Before embarking on your next mushroom trip, take the time to delve into the available resources.

This wisdom isn’t limited to end-of-life situations. It applies to anyone seeking self-awareness and personal growth.

Source high-quality ‘shrooms’.

Quality matters immensely. Ensuring you have access to top-notch mushrooms is paramount.

The last thing you want is to be uncertain about the quality when the psilocybin begins to take effect!

Consider a mushroom retreat.

Traditionally, psilocybin journeys were a communal experience. If you’re keen on embracing this age-old practice in a more collective setting, contemplate attending a mushroom retreat.

Contrary to what you might expect, these retreats offer a refined and structured environment. Explore the various offerings [here](link to offerings).

Setting the stage for an enjoyable shroom trip.

Mindful eating.

The psilocybin experience tends to heighten your awareness, bringing even subtle sensations to the forefront.

Therefore, it’s advisable to opt for lighter, more nutritious meals rather than heavy, greasy options. This ensures a smoother journey once the ‘shrooms kick in.

Strike a balance.

While starting your trip on an empty stomach may lead to discomfort, overindulging isn’t ideal either. Aim for balance by consuming a well-rounded meal that includes healthy fats, proteins, and a touch of fiber.

Consider options like Greek yogurt, aged cheese, or dark chocolate for a harmonious pre-trip nourishment. Alternatively, our psilocybin-infused chocolate bars offer a convenient choice.

Embrace meditation.

Research has established the numerous benefits of meditation, from stress reduction to heightened creativity and overall well-being. Engaging in a meditation practice, especially before your trip, is highly recommended.

It’s an opportune time to center your thoughts and emotions. If any negative feelings linger, addressing them beforehand can lead to a more positive experience.

For seasoned meditators, visualizing your upcoming psilocybin journey can be particularly effective.

Optimize your environment.

Timothy Leary’s concept of “set and setting” emphasizes the importance of mental disposition and physical surroundings. Both elements should be thoughtfully prepared prior to your trip.

To facilitate a positive experience, arrange any entertainment choices like movies, music, or preferred podcasts in advance.

This foresight will save you the challenge of navigating them while under the influence. Additionally, create a comfortable setting in your space by adjusting lighting, bringing in calming elements like salt lamps, and attending to any other personal preferences.

Taking care of practical matters, such as walking your dog, can contribute to an optimal environment.

Apologies for the puns, but ensuring your environment is just right is key to a smooth journey!

Ready, set, lift off! What to anticipate.

Document Your Journey.

Commencing your liftoff with journaling is a brilliant move. As the effects of psilocybin begin to manifest, your thoughts and emotions will undergo shifts.

Typically, this process spans 20-40 minutes, although individual experiences may vary based on factors like prior exposure to ‘shrooms and recent dietary intake.

Irrespective of onset duration, engaging in writing or doodling provides a tangible record of these transformations.

Moreover, the practice of journaling yields long-term advantages. Given the unique impact of ‘shrooms on each individual, documenting your feelings throughout distinct stages of the journey provides valuable insight for future experiences.

Unlocking Artistic Expression.

Similar to waking up on March 1st and noticing the extended daylight, the sudden intensity of your trip can catch you off guard. Engaging in creative pursuits offers a means of maintaining awareness during liftoff.

Musicians and artists have a distinct advantage. Through their craft, they’ll observe a shift in their perception of artistic expression.

Playing a beloved guitar riff, for example, reveals notes that pulsate with a newfound vitality, resonating for extended durations and assuming distinct characteristics.

As psilocybin’s influence deepens, you might find yourself drawn to simpler compositions or, alternatively, seek solace in moments of serene silence.

Reaching the peak highness.

Synesthesia: A Symphony of Sensation.

Synesthesia, or the merging of senses, invites an extraordinary journey into perception. Imagine seeing sounds or hearing colors.

Remarkably, some renowned musicians attribute their creative prowess to experiencing synesthesia while sober. For the rest of us, embarking on a ‘shroom-induced exploration might be the key.

This sensational transformation tends to unfold gradually. Colors begin to radiate, and lights take on a more vibrant presence, exuding a cheerful aura. Intricate fractal patterns emerge, sometimes persisting even when eyes are closed.

Eventually, perceptions of space and time undergo a delightful distortion.

If this otherworldly experience doesn’t align with your preferences, a moderate dosage of 1-3 grams of dried psilocybin can provide a more grounded trip.

For a profoundly immersive encounter, consider Terrence McKenna’s “heroic dose” of approximately 5 grams or higher.

Surrender to the Journey.

As the intensity escalates, a crucial piece of advice emerges: trust the mushroom.

While it may sound whimsical, this mindset proves invaluable. Psilocybin mushrooms have intertwined with the human psyche for countless epochs.

Allow them to guide the experience. Seasoned psychonauts often adopt the perspective that the mushroom serves as their mentor, and they’re merely passengers on this transformative voyage.

Be receptive to the twists, turns, and evolution of the journey.

If you’re new to this terrain, a reliable “trip sitter” can be tremendously beneficial. They’ve traversed the path you’re embarking on, granting them the insight to help you find your natural flow amidst the psychedelic voyage.

Engaging activities for a magical mushroom experience.

Immerse yourself in visual delights.

Watching a movie during your trip is a delightful way to engage your mind and indulge in hours of positive thoughts.

The choice of movie matters, creating an atmosphere of good vibes. Consider films by Hayao Miyazaki, no-narration documentaries like Samsara or Baraka, and nature-centric movies.

Don’t forget to prepare YouTube playlists featuring serene forest or beach scenes in advance for an immersive experience.

Modern narratives for the psychedelic mind.

Podcasts offer a contemporary, accessible format akin to books. They are particularly well-suited for ‘shroom experiences where reading may pose a challenge.

Explore the realm of psychedelic-themed podcasts, including intriguing accounts like Mike Tyson’s DMT experiences.

Unleash your creative instincts.

As the trip progresses, regular journaling may feel a tad structured. Embrace a more free-flowing approach by doodling. This artistic expression transcends conventional language, providing a unique channel to tap into the subconscious.

Immerse Yourself in Nature.

Given that shrooms are a wholly natural product, immersing yourself in nature enhances the experience. Embark on a leisurely nature hike, ensuring it aligns with the duration of your psilocybin high (4-8 hours) at a relaxed pace.

Opt for a beginner-level trail that allows uninterrupted exploration. Bringing along a trusted, sober companion is essential for safety and companionship.

Remember, sharing this experience with close friends can be deeply enriching. Mutual support fosters a profound trip experience, promoting feelings of meaning and spiritual connection.

Strengthen Connections with Trusted Companions.

Sharing a trip with close friends can alleviate anxiety and enhance the experience. Both traditional and recent studies endorse this practice, emphasizing the efficacy of “high-dose, high-support” trips.

The comfort and familiarity among friends create a conducive environment for authentic self-expression.

Align Mind and Body.

The saying “where the mind goes, the body follows” gains tangible significance during a ‘shroom trip. Staying in motion offers a powerful tool to elevate your mood and ward off fearful thoughts.

Engage in activities like running, dancing, or simply moving to music. Embrace the freedom to let loose and spin if the urge strikes – it’s a liberating experience!

Deciphering the duration of your shroom journey.

Understanding the average trip duration.

The pinnacle of your mushroom experience, known as the “peak highness” phase, typically spans a mere one to two hours.

This phase initiates around the 30-minute mark post-ingestion, concluding roughly two hours thereafter. Despite its brevity, the encounter often feels considerably longer.

The interplay between shrooms and our biochemistry provides insight into this phenomenon. Psilocybin exhibits a half-life of 160 minutes, signifying the time required for the body to process out half of the substance.

Psilocin, on the other hand, boasts an even shorter half-life of 50 minutes.

The method of consumption also factors in. If you opt for mushroom tea, the effects set in swiftly and exit your system more promptly. Notably, both psilocybin and psilocin are eliminated through urine.

Within five hours, over 95 percent of the psilocin from your shrooms will have dissipated. Within 13 hours, a similar percentage of their psilocybin will follow suit.

Essentially, by the time the effects fully take hold, their chemical essence will already be in the process of dispersing.

Prioritize Comfort.

While the typical duration of a psilocybin trip adheres to a fairly predictable pattern, its subjective length varies widely.

Elevated doses of psilocybin can profoundly distort your perception of time, causing minutes to feel like days. Prolonged moments of deep contemplation may seem endless, even though their objective duration remains constant.

Contemplating the nature of time may lead to the philosophical question of whether it’s merely an illusion, a pondering that might be amplified during a trip.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that even the most extended trip will not exceed approximately eight hours, according to conventional timekeeping.

Irrespective of your existential musings within the space-time continuum, prioritize your comfort. If reclining feels inviting — whether on the couch, the floor, or a bed of lush grass — go ahead and do so.

Ensuring your physical comfort enhances your overall enjoyment of the experience.

Addressing nausea: A normal part of the journey.

Recognizing Normal Nausea.

To begin, it’s important to understand that experiencing some degree of nausea when consuming shrooms is entirely normal.

Nearly everyone encounters mild nausea during their trip, especially at the peak of the experience. Psilocybin and psilocin, the active compounds in mushrooms, are distinct substances compared to what your body typically encounters or produces.

For those unaccustomed to this sensation, the nausea may be unpleasant. It’s possible for your body’s immune response to exacerbate this feeling, leading to sensations of clamminess, coldness, or an impending urge to vomit.

These effects may be heightened if you ingest shrooms on an empty stomach.

Some seasoned psychonauts hold the belief that the mushroom imparts only what you’re mentally prepared to handle. For instance, if you ingest 5 grams but are only mentally prepared for 3, you may not retain everything.

Natural remedies for nausea relief.Fortunately, you can mitigate nausea naturally, allowing you to fully embrace your journey!Ginger root stands out as a potent natural anti-nausea agent. Multiple studies have demonstrated its ability to inhibit the MAO-A enzyme, reducing nausea while enhancing the intensity of your trip.

One study elaborates, “Among [ginger root’s] most active components, geraniol, terpinene-4-ol, and 1,8-cineole were confirmed with percentage inhibition of MAO-A equal to 44.1%, 42.5%, and 41.1%, respectively.”

In practical terms, this underscores ginger’s positive impact on both your mood and gastrointestinal well-being, both during a shroom trip and in everyday life.

Interestingly, ginger also holds a prominent place in traditional Chinese tea. Whether as a brewed tea or in convenient capsule form, integrating ginger can significantly alleviate nausea.

Navigating a dark turn in your mushroom journey.

Maintain calm composure.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that not every mushroom journey will be a voyage of sunshine and joy. Factors such as the type of shrooms consumed and the mental state at the outset can lead to darker experiences.

While proactive measures like pre-trip meditation and cultivating an optimal environment (see tips 11 and 12!) can serve as preventative measures, difficult trips can still occur.

If you find yourself in the midst of a dark turn, the most vital step is to refrain from panicking. Instead, close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Center yourself with breathing.

In challenging moments, the discomfort often manifests more physically than mentally. Redirect your attention to the tangible aspects within your control: your breath, bodily movement, and maintaining relaxation in your muscles.

Tune into the rhythmic pattern of your breath, and the steady beat of your heart, and even contemplate the underlying cosmic rhythms, if that resonates with you (at this juncture, it might!).

Remind yourself that this phase is transient; even what may seem like a ‘bad’ trip can yield profound and positive transformations.

Transforming the atmosphere.

Elevate your comfort levels to pivot a challenging trip. Identify a cherished spot within your apartment, house, or yard and designate it as your sanctuary for the day.

Envelop yourself in familiar comforts, like a carefully curated playlist, or a soothing cup of tea, and allow your thoughts to wander. Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and nestle into a state of ease.

If waves of negativity wash over you, inhale deeply, exhale, and release. Visualize yourself enveloped in positive vibrations and an energy that aligns with your well-being.

This visualization is particularly potent when you’re situated in a space that evokes trust and contentment.

Share with a trusted companion.

If lingering dark thoughts persist, confiding in a close friend can provide solace and support. Do not withhold even seemingly irrational thoughts; some psychonauts find themselves entangled in a difficult trip, convinced it will endure indefinitely.

However, history attests that such a state has never resulted from shroom consumption, and you won’t be the first to confront it.

A trip sitter can empathize with your apprehensions, guiding you back to the reality that this experience is transient and will ultimately yield to clarity.

Deploy the trip stopper.

In the event that other interventions prove ineffective, rest assured that there is a potent recourse available.

We’ve crafted the Trip Stopper to swiftly and decisively mitigate the intensity of your trip.

Combining valerian root with vitamin C, it is designed to perceptibly ameliorate any negative undertones.

Additionally, consuming something rich in dextrose/glucose (such as energy drinks or honey-infused tea) can expedite your return to baseline.

Recognizing the descent: Coming down from your journey.

Transitioning realities: From interconnectedness to normalcy.

In the zenith of your trip, you likely experienced a profound sense of interconnectedness with everything around you.

This sensation wasn’t mere imagination; physicists are now delving into the notion that all atoms in the universe may be fundamentally linked through the Higgs boson particle, also known as the “God particle.”

As you begin to descend from this heightened state, you may feel a gentle tug back into your ‘ordinary’ reality. Embrace this reintegration; it’s a natural part of the journey.

Bridging worlds: Farewell to the spiritual realm.

If your journey involved encounters with angels, extraterrestrial entities, departed loved ones, or a manifestation of your higher self, cherish the experience.

A psychological survey discovered that 22 out of 36 participants reported a “complete” mystical encounter after ingesting psilocybin.

Yet, these visions, portals, or hallucinations will gradually recede as the effects of psilocybin wane. Does psilocybin merely induce visual alterations, or does it genuinely expand perception to reveal deeper truths?

The answer remains a subject of exploration, and you may find yourself contemplating it as your perception gradually reverts to its ‘usual’ state.

Satisfy your hunger.

If your journey was particularly prolonged, it’s possible that you haven’t eaten for over eight hours. While shrooms don’t typically induce the munchies, you might notice newfound hunger as the descent begins.

If you feel hungry, indulge it! Opt for something light and reasonably nutritious, especially if you experienced any shroom-induced nausea earlier.

Embrace the brew: Coffee comfort.

Unless it’s too late in the day, consider incorporating some coffee into your post-peak routine. For many, the invigorating kick of coffee provides a nourishing boost as they begin to come down.

Alternatively, warm beverages other than coffee can serve as effective alternatives.

Post-trip reflections: Nurturing well-being and awe.

Embracing well-being and awe. Transitioning back to your usual state of consciousness after a psilocybin journey can evoke feelings of comfort, wonder, and even reverence.

It’s akin to returning home after an enriching journey abroad, where you suddenly find yourself cherishing the small, everyday things you once took for granted.

As you reintegrate into your familiar state of awareness, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover that everything remains as it was—except, of course, your perspective.

Reconstructing the self: Unveiling the authentic you.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we all play various roles in life. Many individuals find that tripping provides a unique vantage point to detach from these assumed identities and delve into their core essence.

As you return to ordinary consciousness, the power lies in your hands to discern which facets to leave behind and which to carry forward.

Perhaps you’ll realize it’s high time to prioritize your health and adopt a nourishing diet. Or maybe you’ll acknowledge that indulging in natural experiences can be a source of joy and enrichment.

Regardless of your revelations, making conscious choices like these empowers you to seize control of your narrative and craft your life’s story.

Transformative long-term benefits of magic mushrooms.

Ego dissolution leads to freedom.

“Most people confuse ‘self-knowledge’ with knowledge of their conscious ego personalities.”

Psychotherapist Carl Jung aptly points out that our perceived identities often diverge from our true selves. It’s common to latch onto a talent, a relationship, or a status symbol and let it define us.

However, psilocybin appears to facilitate a profound journey towards discovering one’s authentic essence.

Research has demonstrated that a single high-dose psilocybin experience can induce lasting personality shifts.

A study reported, “People given psilocybin… demonstrated a more ‘open’ personality after their experience, an effect that persisted for at least 14 months. Openness refers to an appreciation for new experiences.” This finding is significant, challenging the notion that adult personalities are fixed.

Embrace shrooms to dissolve your ego and rejuvenate your mind.

Confidence and tranquility.

Terrence McKenna’s transformative experience after his inaugural trip highlights the potential for forgiveness, healing, and inner peace.

He described it as more impactful than years of psychotherapy. Similarly, mycologist Paul Stamets overcame his stuttering through a single psilocybin journey, revealing the profound spiritual connection he felt.

Many individuals report an enduring afterglow of enhanced confidence and serenity following their trips, attesting to its life-altering potential.

Embracing the shadows: Understanding the dark side.

Even challenging trips can lead to positive changes through the mechanism of ‘ego death.’ Surprisingly, over 80% of shroom users who’ve navigated a “bad trip” report long-term benefits. This seemingly counterintuitive outcome underscores our multifaceted nature. Confronting our fears and shadows during a trip can ultimately empower us to overcome them.

Relief from addictions.

Psilocybin has shown promise in reducing addiction, aiding individuals in quitting smoking, alcohol consumption, and even ‘hard’ drugs. Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, advocated for LSD as a catalyst for the transformative process of overcoming alcohol dependence.

Research links psilocybin use to an 80% reduction in smoking rates, while other studies associate it with decreased alcohol dependency. The mechanism involves potential reductions in anxiety and depression, potentially mitigating the reliance on ‘crutch’ substances in the first place.

How to consume magic mushrooms.

Magic mushroom tea.

A popular method, magic mushroom tea offers a palatable way to ingest shrooms. Begin by steeping dried mushrooms in hot water for approximately 20 minutes, then strain and consume.

Enhance the flavor with honey and ginger, which also helps alleviate potential nausea. Sipping slowly yields milder effects, while quicker consumption leads to a faster and more sustained experience.


Dried and ground magic mushrooms are available in capsule form. This method eliminates the need to taste the shrooms, which can be an acquired taste.

Capsules are favored for microdosing, but can also be taken in larger quantities for more pronounced effects. They provide a reliable means of ensuring consistent dosages.


Magic mushroom powder, extracted from capsules, can be effortlessly added to smoothies, juices, or other beverages.

Chewing or eating dried mushrooms.

This is the most common method of ingesting magic mushrooms. However, be aware that the taste may not be appealing to everyone. Have a drink nearby to wash down the mushrooms or to clear the taste from your palate.

Lemon tek.

Soak your magic mushrooms in a glass of fresh lemon juice for around 10 minutes, then consume the soaked shrooms.

The acidity of the lemon juice initiates the breakdown of the mushrooms, facilitating quicker digestion and hastening the availability of the active ingredients.

Lemon tek accelerates the onset of your trip, though its duration may be slightly shorter.

How to use shrooms safely!

Here are some steps that will make your magic mushroom trip safer and more enjoyable:

Start with a low dose.

Begin with a low dose and increase gradually as desired. This allows you to gauge your tolerance level, reducing the risk of negative experiences. Remember, “START LOW, GO SLOW”!

Choose a safe environment.

Since magic mushrooms can alter perception, it’s crucial to be in a safe and comfortable environment.

Avoid mixing with other substances.

Combining magic mushrooms with other drugs, alcohol, or medications is not advisable. Psilocybin can interact unpredictably with other substances and intensify their effects.

Know your source.

Ensure you obtain magic mushrooms from a reliable supplier. Since you’ll be consuming them, it’s crucial to be certain they were cultivated in a clean environment.

Maintain a positive mindset.

Magic mushrooms can amplify emotions. Therefore, if someone is feeling anxious or depressed, it could potentially lead to a challenging experience.

Have a trip sitter.

A designated person should remain sober and be available to offer calm and reassuring support if someone requires assistance. They act as a stabilizing presence throughout the trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any psychedelic product.



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£35.00£250.00/0.00073960 – 0.00528288
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£25.00£169.95/0.00052829 – 0.00359130
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£55.00£229.95/0.00116223 – 0.00485919
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£100.00£280.00/0.00211315 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Cereal Milk

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Grease Monkey

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Super Pink

£45.00£225.00/0.00095092 – 0.00475459
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£55.00£229.95/0.00116223 – 0.00485919
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£170.00/0.00105658 – 0.00359236
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Squidgy Black Hash

£50.00£230.00/0.00105658 – 0.00486025
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Deadhead OG

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£40.00£180.00/0.00084526 – 0.00380367
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£205.00/0.00095092 – 0.00433196
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Orange Bud (Smalls)

£35.00£175.00/0.00073960 – 0.00369801
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£210.00/0.00105658 – 0.00443762
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£80.00£360.00/0.00169052 – 0.00760734
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Blue Mints

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Gorilla Glue #4

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£200.00/0.00105658 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£49.95£169.95/0.00105552 – 0.00359130
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Temple Ball Hash

£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


PH tester

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£55.00£235.00/0.00116223 – 0.00496590
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£210.00/0.00105658 – 0.00443762
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£35.00£200.00/0.00073960 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£200.00/0.00105658 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£35.00£250.00/0.00073960 – 0.00528288
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£210.00/0.00105658 – 0.00443762
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



£50.00£230.00/0.00105658 – 0.00486025
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Super Lemon Haze

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£200.00/0.00105658 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Death Star

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Stundenglass Mystery Box

Original price was: £210.00.Current price is: £99.95./0.00211209 – 0.00211209
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£55.00£229.95/0.00116223 – 0.00485919
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



£45.00£225.00/0.00095092 – 0.00475459
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£100.00£280.00/0.00211315 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£60.00£160.00/0.00126789 – 0.00338104
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Tray clochie

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



£25.00£169.95/0.00052829 – 0.00359130
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Frozen Cherries

£50.00£230.00/0.00105658 – 0.00486025
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



£45.00£225.00/0.00095092 – 0.00475459
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Death Bubba

£45.00£225.00/0.00095092 – 0.00475459
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£35.00£250.00/0.00073960 – 0.00528288
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Gravity Infusers

Stundenglass Gravity Hookah

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£200.00/0.00105658 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Jungle Boys | ZBERRY

£100.00£280.00/0.00211315 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£55.00£229.95/0.00116223 – 0.00485919
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£75.00£335.00/0.00158486 – 0.00707905
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£30.00£130.00/0.00063395 – 0.00274710
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£42.00£280.00/0.00088752 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Georgia Pie

£35.00£175.00/0.00073960 – 0.00369801
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


El Patron

£42.00£280.00/0.00088752 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£225.00/0.00095092 – 0.00475459
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£205.00/0.00095092 – 0.00433196
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£65.00£120.00/0.00137355 – 0.00253578
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£80.00£360.00/0.00169052 – 0.00760734
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£80.00£360.00/0.00169052 – 0.00760734
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



£60.00£300.00/0.00126789 – 0.00633945
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Jungle Boys | Cochino

£100.00£280.00/0.00211315 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Jungle Boys | Coma

£100.00£280.00/0.00211315 – 0.00591682
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£45.00£185.00/0.00095092 – 0.00390933
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£50.00£200.00/0.00105658 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
£80.00£360.00/0.00169052 – 0.00760734
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Blue Dream

£50.00£230.00/0.00105658 – 0.00486025
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Pink Runtz

£40.00£200.00/0.00084526 – 0.00422630
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page